Artboard 2@72x-100.png

Studio 1A


Studio 1A

Woodbury School of Architecture
FALL 2016

The integration of exploring form & geometries by understanding the relationship between planar (gray models) and curved (white models) surfaces. Exploring how they work together to create a new coherent model and learning fundamental techniques of geometric control towards the production of architectural form.


Moon Viewing

Section Model//Plans//Section

This final phase encouraged students to create a program capturing a “moon viewing” within our 12”x12”x12” combination model by strategizing a way in producing an updated model with the application of having an entry, procession, and moon viewing. The creation of stairs showed how circulation can process within the interior and exterior of the model. Additionally allowing this massing to function as a habitable space. A limited set of color deployment strategies were used to identify key color relationships within the project. Adding color either contributed volume, procession and proportionality. In my project, I added color to identify procession, whereas it was able to guide one to the moon viewing within exterior & interior of the mass. The section model was produced and unrolled to reassemble physically using museum board.


Cubic Models


White Model


White cubic models used radial lines and ruled surfaces in the transformation of a cubic primitive. Evaluated qualities of mass, void, and their relationship to the site.



Explores a combination of expressive qualities found in the grey and white cubic models. A combinatoric technique employed to create a new coherent reading between the grey and white expressions. The models needed to contain organizational strategies for the following three elements: Aperture, Entry/Exit and Verticality.

Grey Model

6”x6”x 6”

Grey cubic modles used straight lines and flat surfaces in the transformation of a cubic primitive. Evaluated qualities of mass, void, and their relationship to the site.